Anand Vilas, Pujarli
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA

Academic Calendar
The academic year of the School starts from March to December every year. It will have winter vacation in the months of January and February and also a short limited summer break and Diwali Holidays (Dated to be announced later).
Winter Vacation: January and February
Summer Break: 10 Days
Diwali Holidays: 7 Days
House Test Schedule
First Term: March to July (2 House Tests)
Second Term: August to December (2 House Tests)
The details of academic calendar are as follows:
-- | Mar-21 | -- |
11th March | Thursday | Maha Shivratri |
29th March | Monday | Holi Celebration |
31st March | Wednesday | Result Declaration (1st -to-09th Standard) |
-- | Apr-21 | -- |
1st April | Thursday | Commencement of New Session, Binding of Books and Settle the Cupboards |
5th April | Monday | House Formation of new Students |
11th April | Sunday | Parents Teacher Meet (PTM) |
15th April | Thursday | Himachal Day |
21st April | Wednesday | Ram Navami /Hindi Calligraphy competition |
24th April | Saturday | MAHA SAMADHI DAY |
26th April | Monday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test / Math Quiz/Test |
-- | May-21 | -- |
6th May | Thursday | ESHWARAMMA DAY |
09th May | Sunday | Parent Child Meeting Day(PCM) |
10th May | Monday | English Calligraphy Competition |
12th May | Wednesday | Defense Training for girls (Primary, Secondary,Higher Secondary) |
15th May | Saturday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test/Math Quiz/ |
21st May | Friday | School Foundation Day |
24th May | Monday | Pre-mid Term Exams |
-- | Jun-21 | -- |
13th June | Sunday | Parents Teacher Meet (PTM) |
15th June | Tuesday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test / Math Quiz/ Test |
21st June | Monday | YOGA DAY |
-- | Jul-21 | -- |
11th July | Sunday | Parent Child Meeting Day (PCM) |
24th July | Saturday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test/ Math Quiz/Test |
-- | Aug-21 | -- |
8th August | Sunday | Parent Child Meeting Day(PCM) |
15th August | Sunday | INDEPENDENCE DAY |
21st August | Saturday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test/Math Quiz/Test |
22nd August | Sunday | RAKSHABHANDHAN |
23rd August | Monday | Mid Term Exams |
-- | Sep-21 | -- |
5th September | Sunday | Teacher's Day |
10th September | Friday | Ganesh Chaturthi |
12th September | Sunday | Parents Teacher Meet (PTM) |
13th September | Monday | Girl's Badminton /Kho - Kho Competition |
14th September | Tuesday | Boy's Badminton/Kho -K ho Competition |
18th September | Saturday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test/Math Quiz/Test |
27th September | Monday | SHIRDI SAI BABA'S B'DAY |
-- | Oct-21 | -- |
Prospectus for the next session will be available | -- | -- |
2nd October | Saturday | Gandhi Jayanti |
10th October | Sunday | Annual Sports Meet |
15th October | Friday | Dussehra / SST & G.K. Test / Math Test |
-- | 31st October (Sunday) (after 8:00AM) to 07th November (Sunday) SHORT BREAK FOR DEEPAWALI. Date of Joining for staff 06th Nov. (Saturday) | -- |
-- | Nov-21 | -- |
04 th November | Thursday | Deepawali |
07th November | Sunday | Students to Report back positively |
19th November | Friday | Lady's Day Special Bhajans |
20th November | Saturday | SST & G.K. Quiz/Test/Math Quiz/Test |
23rd November | Tuesday | BHAGWAN'S B'DAY CELEBRATION |
-- | Dec-21 | -- |
03rd December | Friday | Entrance Test for Admission |
19th December | Sunday | Annual Examination |
School will Re-open for the session 2022 in March
Classes VIII, IX, X - 1st March, 2022
Classes V, VI, VII - 2nd March, 2022
Classes II, III, IV - 3rd March, 2022
Classes I - 4th March, 2022
Note: - In case any parent wants to withdraw his/her ward from the school for new academic session, i.e. for 2022, one month's notice (before or 20th November) is prerequisite as per school rules failing which the defaulters are liable to pay penalty as per school rules.
If there is any change with the correspondence address, the parents are requested to inform the school.
No Telephone call is allowed between Mid-Term Exam or Annual Exam.
The above is only proposed calendar from March 2021 to December 2021. Due to exigencies and in the interest of school programme the dates of various activities and other holidays may be revised/rescheduled/cancelled.
Courses of Study
The curriculum for class I to XII is as prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The School offers courses in Science and Commerce at the Senior Secondary level.
A course in "Human Values" is taught to students to all the classes. The class-wise details of other subjects are as below:
Primary Classes - I to VIII
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology from VI to VIII).
Social Studies (History, Civics and Geography)
Drawing and painting
Work Experience
Physical Education and Games
General Knowledge
Secondary Classes - IX & X
Science (Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences)
Social Sciences (History, Civics/Economics, Geography)
Health and Physical Education
Work Experience
Art Education:
Gardening, Paper Cutting, Needle work etc.
Senior Secondary Classes - XI & XII
Compulsory: English Language (Core English)
Different Combinations offered:
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science.
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Language(Hindi, Telugu, Sanskrit)
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Language (Hindi, Telugu, Sanskrit)
Compulsory: English Language (Core English)
Different Combinations offered:
Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Mathematics
Mathematics, Accountancy, Economics, Informatics
Mathematics, Accountancy, Economics, Language (Hindi, Sanskrit)
Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Language (Hindi, Sanskrit)
Work Experience, General studies, Health and Physical Education are common for all the groups.
ObjectiveThe objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. A Grievance Cell has been constituted for the Redressal of the problems reported by the Students of the school with the following objectives: Upholding the dignity of the school by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the school through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-teacher relationship etc. Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized. Suggestion / complaint Box is installed in front of the Administrative Block and Academic Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the school. Advising Students of the school to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises. Advising All the Students to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, teachers and school administration. Advising all staffs to be affectionate to the Students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules is urgently brought to the notice of the School Principal.
Mechanism for Redressal of Grievances of Students and StaffThe students are the main stakeholders in any institution imparting education, and its our endeavour to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages. Taking this spirit in consideration the school have the set mechanism for students for Redressal of their grievances as under: The Grievances may broadly include the following complaints of the aggrieved students: Academic Non-Academic Grievance related to Assessment Grievance related to Victimization Grievance related to Attendance Grievance related to charging of fees Grievance regarding conducting of Examinations Harassment by colleague students or the teachers etc.
Procedure for lodging complaintThe students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing/or in the format available in the admin dept. and drop it in boxes. The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents. The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.
Responsibility for RedressalThe final responsibility for grievance Redressal rests with the Principal of the School. The school expects that grievance Redressal be time bound and result oriented. Every grievance is expected to be resolved within a reasonably period. The grievance Redressal cell of the school shall monitor status and progress of grievance Redressal and shall furnish report on grievance Redressal position to the Chairman of the school.
PowersIn case of any grievance the members of the cell are empowered to sort out the problems at their level through discussion with students. In case the members fail to find out any solution then the matter is referred to the Principal / Chairman for final commitment on the matter. Considering the nature and depth of the grievances due inquiry is made by the members of the cell and through personal discussion the matter is solved. If anybody is found to be guilty for any kind of nuisance, immediate action is being taken by the School Management.
ExclusionsThe grievance Redressal cell shall not entertain the following issues: Decisions with regard to award of scholarship, fee concessions, medals etc; Decisions made by the school with regard to disciplinary matters and misconduct. Decisions of the university about admissions in any courses offered by the school. Decisions by competent authority on assessment and examination results.